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David Wood:

The Moral Injury of Our Longest Wars

“You don’t have to talk military language to really understand the emotions of it. You should never say, I understand,’ because you can never understand unless you have been there. However, you can just explain to me a little more why you feel that way or what draws you to the conclusion to feel guilty. It’s a moral injury, not a psychological problem, it’s a problem of conscience, of spirituality, of the Soul.


“I don’t want your sympathy,” she said. “but your understanding would be nice, and maybe some empathy?”


Sarah was a photographer that was wounded in an ambush, many things still trigger her PTSD, groups of kids, back-firing cars, she is still not ready to speak about her time overseas. She may never.


Wood, David. “What Have I done: The Moral Injury of Our Longest Wars.”

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